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Useful FRCR radiology resources with reviews


Welcome to this page tailored to those interested in the UK’s radiology fellowship examination. This three part exam is known as the FRCR (Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists). Click the links to buy the books or visit the various websites!



Weir & Abrahams' Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy (By JD Spratt et al.): Principal comprehensive anatomy atlas that is widely used by those studying for the FRCR anatomy exam. This book is purely an image based text, there is no explanatory text.

Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging (By S Ryan et al.): This book has fewer images than Weir & Abrahams', but it does provide prose descriptions of anatomy and explanations of its clinical relevance.

First FRCR Anatomy: Practice Cases (By C Tingerides et al.): 62 head & neck cases, 33 chest cases, 58 abdomen & pelvis cases, 45 musculoskeletal cases, and 40 mock papers cases. Each case has 5 questions. Total number of questions: 1190.

First FRCR Anatomy: Mock Papers (By M Budak et al.): 15 mock papers with 20 cases per paper. Each case has 5 questions. Total number of questions: 1500.

Radiological Anatomy for FRCR Part 1 (By P Borg et al.): In addition to general adult anatomy, this book includes specific chapters on paediatrics (100 questions) and normal variants (20 questions). Total number of questions: 920.

FRCR Part 1: Cases for the anatomy viewing paper (By JD Thomas): 8 mock papers each with 20 cases per paper. Each case has 5 questions. Total number of questions: 800.

Get Through First FRCR: Questions for the Anatomy Module (By G Mair et al.): 40 head & neck cases, 30 chest cases, 20 upper limb cases, 21 abdomen cases, 19 pelvis cases, 20 lower limb cases, and 20 mock papers cases. Each case has 5 questions. Total number of questions: 850.


E-anatomy: Easy-to-use site that is the most thorough online anatomy atlas. Requires annual paid subscription. Comprehensive scrollable tutorials on brain/spine anatomy. Well worth bookmarking this page if studying for an anatomy exam!

Musculoskeletal MRI: Free site that has labelled MR imaging of the musculoskeletal system.

Anatomy Zone: Useful video series on human anatomy. The 3D images are especially good when it comes to musculoskeletal anatomy.

Teach Me Anatomy: Cartoon illustrations and text based anatomy.

Radiology Café: Hundreds of free anatomy questions designed to replicate the FRCR exam.

FRCR Academy: Online question bank suitable for FRCR preparation.

Revise Radiology: Easy to use online anatomy question bank.



Farr's Physics for Medical Imaging (By PJ Allisy-Roberts & J Williams): Defining physics text for the FRCR physics exam. Does not contain detailed explanations of principles, but is a condensed synopsis of the important, underlying principles. Many people find this book alone a good enough resource to pass the exam.

Physics for Diagnostic Radiology (By PP Dendy & B Heaton): A large text that offers explanation of radiological physics. This book is too wordy to use as a primary text, but it is good as an alternative resource if you are unclear on a particular topic. Be aware that MRI is not covered in sufficient detail by this text. The book contains a number of practice questions at the back.

A Radiologist's Notes on Physics for the FRCR Exam [eBook] (By G Pettet): Bullet point approach to the basics of radiological physics. Although you will need another text to explain the principles to you, this book is a good collection of notes for review.

MRI Made Easy (By HH Schild): An easy to understand and quick book to read that addresses the basic principles of MRI. Excellent first book to read on the topic of MR imaging.

MRI at a Glance (By C Westbrook): A moderately detailed explanation of MRI with plenty of illustrations.

Succeeding in the FRCR Part 1 Exam (Physics Module) (By P Bhogal et al.): Good first question book to test yourself and learn from when studying for the FRCR examination.

Physics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR (By S Ilyas et al.): Challenging physics questions well suited for FRCR preparation.

MCQs for the First FRCR (By V Vardhanabhuti et al.): Tough but fair physics questions relevant to FRCR preparation.


Radiology - Integrated Training Initiative: Comprehensive collection of online modules, produced by the RCR, covering topics relevant to the FRCR physics exam. There are a lot of modules to work through, but they provide good coverage of the testable material and contain good explanations.

FRCR Academy: Online question bank well suited to the FRCR preparation. Useful simple explanation of x-ray physics with accompanying test questions. A question and answer approach to understanding MRI. Provides good explanations accompanied by useful illustrations. Useful not only for exam preparation, but also for detailed questions that may arise in clinical practice.

FRCR Physics Notes: Free collection of physics notes created by a radiology registrar and hosted by Radiology Cafe. An excellent series of notes to guide you through the basic principles.



Crack the Core Exam: 2-Volume Set (By P Lionhart): Ideal as a revision guide for MCQ preparation. This book comes highly recommended for those taking radiology exams. While it does not have many images, it is the principal text for many people's MCQ preparation. With its easy to understand, straight to the point style, this book is a must have for radiology trainees.

Get Through Final FRCR 2A: SBAs: This book contains a lot of challenging questions, which provides a valuable learning opportunity for trainees. The book is not divided in to modules, so questions from all modules appear in the same paper (like the current Part 2A exam). There are seven papers in total, each with 120 questions, giving a total of 840 questions in the book.

SBAs for the FRCR 2A: This book is written in a modular format, with questions divided into six categories (as in the style of the old modular exam). There are 60 questions provided for each module, giving a total of 360 questions for you to learn from.

SBAs for the Final FRCR 2A: This book contains 75 questions on each of the six modules (with a total of 450). The questions are more challenging than some other texts, and the answers provide appropriately clear explanations.

Final FRCR Part A Modules 1-3 Single Best Answer MCQs: This text contains chapters on: Cardiothoracic and Vascular Radiology; Musculoskeletal and Trauma Radiology; Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Radiology. Each of these three modules has three separate papers, each with 70 questions, giving a total of 630 questions in this text. The questions are quite short and the answers are equally brief and to the point. Therefore, this book is relatively quick to do.

Final FRCR Part A Modules 4-6 Single Best Answer MCQs: This book is the counterpart to the text listed above. It contains chapters on: Genito-urinary, Adrenal, Obstetric, Gynaecological and Breast Radiology; Paediatric Radiology; Neuroradiology, Head and Neck and ENT Radiology. Like the book listed above, this book has three papers for each of the three modules. Each paper has 70 questions, giving a total of 630 questions. The questions are quite short and the answers are equally brief and to the point. Therefore, this book is relatively quick to do.

Final FRCR Part A: SBAs for the Modular Examination: There are six modules, each with 100 questions in this book. The 600 questions in this book are of an appropriate standard and the explanations accompanying the answers are just as good.

Succeeding In The New FRCR Part 2A Exam: There are six modules in this book, divded by speciality. There are 50 questions per chapter, with 300 questions in the book in total. This book has short questions and is realtively easy to do, so we recommend doing it earlier in your revision if you decide to do it.

Imaging Single Best Answer App for iTunes or Android: This British Institute of Radiology App is the ideal way to practice questions on the go. The app is well designed and the questions are of good quality.


Radiopaedia: A widely used wiki-based resource that is endlessly helpful when you are looking for a quick refresher about a topic.

STATdx: Gold standard, comprehensive online resource that provides clear, succinct explanations of pathology accompanied by useful key images. The only drawback is the price.

Radiology Jam: Radiology Jam create audio guides to help you through your exam revision. You can listen to them on your commute to work and maximise your learning potential!

FRCR Exam Prep: This online question bank is a favourite amongst those who have taken and passed the 2A exam.



Chapman & Nakielny's Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis (By H Rafiee): This is a comprehensive guide to imaging differential diagnosis. Reading this book will give you the skills to approach almost any case, even if you have not seen it before.

Top 3 Differentials in Radiology: A Case Review (By WT O'Brien): Cases in this book are answered with the top 3 most likely differentials, with explanations provided that help you differentiate between the various explanations. This way of learning is well suited to the viva (and to clinical practice) as it is important to know how to organise your differential by relative likelihood.

Rapid Review of Radiology (By S Hussain et al.): Plenty of classic cases are covered in this book. Answers are presented succinctly and clearly. This book is quick to read and is therefore a good way to test your knowledge.

Final FRCR Part B Viva: 100 Cases (By R White et al.): This book provides seleccted cases that are relevant to the 2B exam. The answers to the cases are provided in prose, as if the answer were spoken in a viva setting. Therefore, the reader has an idea of how to phrase their answers.


FRCR Longs: This is a commonly used website amongst trainees as it provides many challenging long cases for your practice. There are also rapid reporting packets available on the website so you can work on both these key 2B exam components.

FRCR Scholar: This website contains a lot rapid reporting packets. Doing well in the rapid reporting section of the exam is best achieved with lots of practice, and this website is ideally suited to someone needing to focus on the rapid reporting component of the 2B exam.

Revise Radiology: This site uses the same platform as used in the exam for the rapid reporting, so you get a realistic experience of the software. They have hundreds of radiographs for you to hone your skills, and lots of long cases as well.

Radiology Masters: This website contains video lectures on a variety of radiology topics, and they also run online viva practice sessions.

Radiopaedia: A widely used wiki-based resource that is endlessly helpful when you are looking for a quick refresher about a topic.

STATdx: Gold standard, comprehensive online resource that provides clear, succinct explanations of pathology accompanied by useful key images. The only drawback is the price.